All about smaps
Build smaps
What is the legally binding nature of a signature on the signature block?
Manage smaps
Manage smap data
Create and manage reports
Build smaps
Formulas and logic
Modules in detail
What do I use scenarios for?
Why is a new version assigned during a smap update?
Can I create my own scenarios?
Can I modify a template that has been adopted?
Can I create my own templates for my smaps?
My master data changes regularly, how do I deal with it?
Can I duplicate already created modules?
Can I create other form pages?
How do I create privacy notices and the imprint for my smap?
Why is the module ID so important?
Can I change the logo of a smap?
Can the design of a smap be customized?
How is the smapOne Designer structured?
Template gallery
Why do I need the preview in Designer?