All about smaps
Build smaps
What is the legally binding nature of a signature on the signature block?
Manage smaps
Manage smap data
Create and manage reports
Manage smap data
Can I recover a deleted record?
What information can I take from the detailed view?
What content is downloaded during the PDF export?
Where can I view records for older smap versions?
Can I subsequently change a sent data record in the data input?
How can my system XY from manufacturer Z be integrated into smapOne?
Can the e-mail dispatch also be set up via the own SMTP server?
Data input
What contents are downloaded during the Excel export?
What options does smapOne offer for retrieving captured data records?
How can I transfer a data record as a task to another smap?
Can records be sent automatically to one or more recipients?
How can I load records into an Excel file? (Power Query)
Why use a Webhook and how to manage it?
Why is the title of captured photos always named with the wrong time?