What fonts can I use in the report?
In report generation, only Microsoft's standard fonts can be used. It should be noted that not all fonts available from Microsoft are compatible.
These fonts have been carefully selected to ensure optimal display and compatibility in the generated reports.
If a customer uses a custom, unsupported font in their report template, report generation will automatically default to the Windows Arial font. This automatic switch ensures that the generated reports maintain consistent and readable formatting, even if the originally chosen font is not compatible.
It is not possible to add additional fonts.
Here is a list of all the fonts that can be used in report generation:
Aharoni | David | Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt | Malgun Gothic | MS Mincho | Segoe UI Emoji |
Aldhabi | DengXian | Gill Sans Nova Cond Ultra Bold | Malgun Gothic Semilight | MS PGothic | Segoe UI Historic |
Andalus | DengXian Light | Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd | Mangal | MS PMincho | Segoe UI Light |
Angsana New | DFKai-SB | Gill Sans Nova Light | Marlett | MS UI Gothic | Segoe UI Semibold |
AngsanaUPC | DilleniaUPC | Gill Sans Nova Ultra Bold | Meiryo | MV Boli | Segoe UI Semilight |
Aparajita | DokChampa | Gisha | Meiryo UI | Myanmar Text | Segoe UI Symbol |
Arabic Typesetting | Dotum | Gulim | Microsoft Himalaya | Narkisim | Shonar Bangla |
Arial | DotumChe | GulimChe | Microsoft JhengHei | Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro | Shruti |
Arial Black | Ebrima | Gungsuh | Microsoft JhengHei Light | Nirmala UI | SimHei |
Arial Nova | Estrangelo Edessa | GungsuhChe | Microsoft JhengHei UI | Nirmala UI Semilight | Simplified Arabic |
Arial Nova Cond | EucrosiaUPC | Impact | Microsoft JhengHei UI Light | NSimSun | Simplified Arabic Fixed |
Arial Nova Cond Light | Euphemia | IrisUPC | Microsoft New Tai Lue | Nyala | SimSun |
Arial Nova Light | FangSong | Iskoola Pota | Microsoft PhagsPa | Palatino Linotype | SimSun-ExtB |
Batang | Franklin Gothic Medium | JasmineUPC | Microsoft Sans Serif | Plantagenet Cherokee | Sitka Banner |
BatangChe | FrankRuehl | Javanese Text | Microsoft Tai Le | PMingLiU | Sitka Display |
Browallia New | FreesiaUPC | KaiTi | Microsoft Uighur | PMingLiU-ExtB | Sitka Heading |
BrowalliaUPC | Gabriola | Kalinga | Microsoft YaHei | Raavi | Sitka Small |
Calibri | Gadugi | Kartika | Microsoft YaHei Light | Rockwell Nova | Sitka Subheading |
Calibri Light | Gautami | Khmer UI | Microsoft YaHei UI | Rockwell Nova Cond | Sitka Text |
Cambria | Georgia | KodchiangUPC | Microsoft YaHei UI Light | Rockwell Nova Cond Light | Sylfaen |
Cambria Math | Georgia Pro | Kokila | Microsoft Yi Baiti | Rockwell Nova Extra Bold | Symbol |
Candara | Georgia Pro Black | Lao UI | MingLiU | Rockwell Nova Light | Tahoma |
Comic Sans MS | Georgia Pro Cond | Latha | MingLiU-ExtB | Rod | Times New Roman |
Consolas | Georgia Pro Cond Black | Leelawadee | MingLiU_HKSCS | Sakkal Majalla | Traditional Arabic |
Constantia | Georgia Pro Cond Light | Leelawadee UI | MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Sanskrit Text | Trebuchet MS |
Corbel | Georgia Pro Cond Semibold | Leelawadee UI Semilight | Miriam | Segoe MDL2 Assets | Tunga |
Cordia New | Georgia Pro Light | Levenim MT | Miriam Fixed | Segoe Print | Urdu Typesetting |
CordiaUPC | Georgia Pro Semibold | LilyUPC | Mongolian Baiti | Segoe Script | Utsaah |
Courier New | Gill Sans Nova | Lucida Console | MoolBoran | Segoe UI | Vani |
DaunPenh | Gill Sans Nova Cond | Lucida Sans Unicode | MS Gothic | Segoe UI Black | Verdana |